The Proposal (The O.C.)

"The Proposal"
The O.C. episode
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 24
Directed by Helen Shaver
Written by Liz Friedman
Josh Schwartz
Production code 176523
Original air date April 14, 2004 (FOX)
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"The Proposal" is the 24th episode of the FOX television series, The O.C.. The episode was written by Liz Friedman and Josh Schwartz and was directed by Helen Shaver. It originally aired on April 14, 2004.


Guest starring

Actor / actress Character
Alan Dale Caleb Nichol
Amanda Righetti Hailey Nichol
Brian McNamara Carson Ward


The gang hits the movies, which leaves Marissa, Summer, and Seth in tears and Ryan wondering how a movie could provoke such a reaction. On the way out, they weigh their options for the rest of the evening, but Marissa thinks it's getting late — which inspires Summer to suggest a slumber party. Seth mentions that they can sleep in shifts so somebody is always awake. Marissa is aware that they think they need to keep an eye on her, a charge that she rejects. When she suggests going to Jamba Juice, the others eagerly accept. There, they run into Luke and Julie. Marissa is simultaneously watching them and assuring her friends that they don't need to hover over her.

The next morning, Ryan is putting on his best fighting clothes before he goes off in search of Luke, who arrives to find him. Luke wants a little sympathy because he has no friends right now, but Ryan and Seth are more interested in firing barbs. Luke says that he's leaving town, moving with his dad in Portland, Oregon. He begs the boys for five minutes with Marissa to say goodbye.

In the kitchen, Sandy is nervous about tomorrow's opening of The Lighthouse and tonight's family pre-celebration. Jimmy comes in, full of pep and excitement, closely followed by Hailey, wondering if the gown she's wearing is good for tonight. They all soon learn that the liquor board is reneging on The Lighthouse's license. Sandy promises to track down the inspector and find out what's going on.

Summer drops by Jimmy's apartment - Marissa's new home - with plans to go to a spa, but Marissa has lunch plans with Ryan. Upstairs, Summer sees that Marissa hasn't really unpacked any of her things; Marissa says sher doesn't want to think of her move as permanent. She goes off to lunch, but Summer asks if she can stay behind, making up an excuse about her stepmother's teeth.

Marissa mopes down the boardwalk and isn't so receptive to Ryan's news that Luke wants to see her. Perhaps feeling renewed love, Ryan kisses Marissa. Back in Marissa's new room, Summer reveals her plans to surprise Marissa with a Trading Spaces-style room makeover to Seth, who warms up to plan as his feminine side creeps out.

Down at The Lighthouse, Peter Johnson of the LCB pays Sandy a visit. Peter tells Sandy, that his temporary license was issued but the file got to the newly-appointed commissioner, one Steve Peyser — a former client of Jimmy Cooper's from whom Jimmy stole $250,000. Peter suggests that Sandy drop Jimmy if he wants that license.

Back at the apartment, Ryan and Marissa go inside to be alone, a plan which is interrupted by Caleb's sudden arrival. He intends to propose to Julie tonight at the restaurant, something that Marissa thinks is a bad idea. Ryan suggests giving Marissa a little time, but Caleb says it's happening tonight. Marissa thinks that if they get married, Julie will be the most powerful woman in Newport; Ryan replies that the marriage might not happen if Marissa tells Caleb the truth about her mother.

When Ryan comes home, Luke is waiting for him on the stoop, pleading for Ryan's help. Ryan suggests writing Marissa a letter, a suggestion that practically baffles Luke. He takes off, but not before vowing to make things right before he leaves.

In the process of renovating Marissa's room, Summer finds last year's yearbook. Leafing through it, she finds that Seth was president of three very unpopular clubs, a fact that Seth had hoped to conceal. Summer wonders if she was mean to him and Seth sadly notes that she wasn't, because that would have required her actually talking to him. Touched by how much things can change in a year, they kiss.

At the Cohen house, Kirsten sees a morose Sandy having a drink. He breaks the news about Jimmy and the liquor license and says he tried to call in favors all day, to no avail. Kirsten points out that her father can be very persuasive, but Sandy is loath to use him for anything.

At the party, Luke swings into the parking lot in his giant truck, chugging a beer for the courage he needs to make a scene in front of Newport's best. Ryan and Marissa grab some food and when Seth sees them, he and Summer act odd and then slide off. Marissa then walks past her mother, offering only an icy "Mom" as a greeting. Caleb sidles up to Julie with a kiss and cheerfully whisks her across the room with a promise to talk to Marissa for her.

At the bar, Hailey and Kirsten observe their newly cheery fathers, and Kirsten inquires about Hailey's own love life. Hailey spots Jimmy across the room and raves about how his life has improved, a fact that Kirsten can't help but notice. Jimmy pulls up to Sandy, and asks about the liquor board. Sandy says he's working on it.

Outside, Luke, now feeling courageous - and tipsy - jumps down from his truck. Inside, Caleb calls the crowd to attention for an announcement. He only gets a few words out before Luke slips inside. Marissa immediately notices him, and Ryan heads to the lobby to pick him off. Ryan tries to calm him down, but Luke insists on talking to Marissa. Meanwhile, Caleb has dropped to one knee to propose. Julie happily accepts and Luke storms out. Ryan follows and tries to take Luke's keys, but Luke jumps in his truck and speeds off, narrowly missing a car. Ryan asks Marissa for her keys so he can follow Luke, but she thinks maybe Luke needs to be alone so he can feel bad for what he did. At that point, Ryan breaks the news about Luke moving to Portland.

Inside, Kirsten is trying to drink away the tragic turn of events that has led to Julie being one step away from becoming her stepmother. Sandy, however, seems to think this may be the best thing that could have happened.

Luke, feeling lovelorn, has driven to the park to drown his sorrows. When Ryan calls him, Luke drunkenly slurs that he's okay. He initially says that he understands that he doesn't deserve Marissa's forgiveness, but then starts kicking the truck's front fender in a rage. Sobbing, he leaves a message for Julie that he's leaving tomorrow and needs to see her.

Back home, Sandy tells Caleb about the liquor license. Caleb, of course, relishes Sandy's need for a favor and quickly notes that if he dropped Jimmy, he'd get his license.

Driving around to find Luke, Ryan and Marissa see the flashing lights of an ambulance. They get out of their car and see that a big, black truck hit a light pole head on. The paramedics are putting an unconscious and bloodied Luke on a stretcher before taking him to the hospital.

The gang greets Luke's father in the waiting room. Luke's out of surgery and will be okay, but he'll be out of it for a while, so there's no need to stay there. Seth and Summer take off to finish their DIY project, but Ryan stays and Marissa decides to accompany him.

Jimmy heads over to Sandy's, telling him that he's heading to the county building to see what the holdup is with the liquor license. Sandy tells Jimmy about Peyser refusing to deal with him. Sandy assures him that they can still make a deal with Caleb.

Later that morning, Luke's dad wakes up Ryan and Marissa in the waiting room to tell them that Luke is finally awake and they can go home. But Marissa asks him to tell Luke she's here and wants to see him first.

Kirsten groggily sits in her kitchen as Julie already starts her wedding plans. An exhausted Seth staggers in, wondering if Ryan came home from the hospital last night. Kirsten breaks the news of Luke's accident. A stunned Julie grasps for straws, guessing that Luke's father coming out must still be hurting him. Seth, aware of the situation, stares Julie down and coldly agrees with her.

Over at The Lighthouse, Caleb strolls in, asking Jimmy for a bloody mary, the last drink they'll be fixing at The Lighthouse for a while. Peyser has refused the license after all. Sandy doesn't believe somebody as bad as Caleb couldn't get things done. Caleb then offers to buy the place himself.

Marissa comes into Luke's room. He tearfully apologizes to her, and she forgives him.

Walking out, Marissa realizes she has to do something about her mother. Marissa stops by The Newport Group and Caleb welcomes her into his office. She says she needs to talk to him about her mom. Caleb says that he wants Marissa to be a part of the new family, but Marissa retorts that she already has a dad. Caleb then indirectly threatens to shut down the Lighthouse and have Jimmy run out of town unless she moves in with him and Julie.

Marissa and Ryan come back to Jimmy's apartment and, after hearing a crash from upstairs, run up into her bedroom — to find that Summer and Seth have transformed it. They all head over to the bed, lie on it and start joking around.



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